
 Here are the conjugations of "avoir" (to have) in French for all subject pronouns:

Je (I): j'ai

Tu (you, informal): tu as

Il/Elle/On (he/she/one): il/elle/on a

Nous (we): nous avons

Vous (you, formal/plural): vous avez

Ils/Elles (they): ils/elles ont

"Avoir" is a highly versatile verb in French, primarily meaning "to have." Here's a breakdown of its various uses:

Possession: Just like in English, "avoir" is used to express possession.

Example: J'ai un chat. (I have a cat.)

Age: In French, you use "avoir" to express age.

Example: Elle a vingt ans. (She is twenty years old.)

Expressions with avoir:

Avoir faim: To be hungry.

Example: J'ai faim. (I am hungry.)

Avoir soif: To be thirsty.

Example: Tu as soif. (You are thirsty.)

Avoir chaud: To be hot.

Example: Il a chaud. (He is hot.)

Avoir froid: To be cold.

Example: Nous avons froid. (We are cold.)

Avoir sommeil: To be sleepy.

Example: Elles ont sommeil. (They are sleepy.)

Avoir peur: To be afraid.

Example: Vous avez peur. (You are afraid.)

Avoir raison: To be right.

Example: Ils ont raison. (They are right.)

Avoir tort: To be wrong.

Example: Elles ont tort. (They are wrong.)

To Form Compound Tenses: "Avoir" is also used as an auxiliary verb in compound tenses such as the passé composé.

Example: J'ai mangé. (I have eaten.)

Causative Expressions: In some cases, "avoir" is used in causative expressions to indicate that someone has something done for them.

Example: J'ai fait réparer ma voiture. (I had my car repaired.)

With Infinitives: "Avoir" is often followed by an infinitive to express actions that must be done.

Example: J'ai à faire mes devoirs. (I have to do my homework.)

Remember to conjugate "avoir" according to the subject pronoun and the tense you're using. 

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