Essential words for French A2 level
To help you build a solid foundation at your A2 level, here's a list of essential words that will be useful for constructing French phrases and conversations.
These words are common in everyday language and will allow you to express basic ideas.
1️⃣ Basic Verbs (Action Words)
- Être (to be)
- Avoir (to have)
- Faire (to do/make)
- Aller (to go)
- Venir (to come)
- Manger (to eat)
- Boire (to drink)
- Parler (to speak)
- Écouter (to listen)
- Voir (to see)
- Savoir (to know [a fact])
- Pouvoir (to be able to)
- Vouloir (to want)
- Devoir (to have to/must)
2️⃣ Pronouns
- Je (I)
- Tu (You - informal)
- Il/Elle (He/She)
- Nous (We)
- Vous (You - formal/plural)
- Ils/Elles (They - masculine/feminine)
- On (One/We [informal])
3️⃣ Common Nouns
- Le temps (the time, the weather)
- L’homme (the man)
- La femme (the woman)
- L’enfant (the child)
- Le travail (the work/job)
- La maison (the house)
- L’école (the school)
- Le livre (the book)
- La voiture (the car)
- Le chien (the dog)
- Le chat (the cat)
- L’amie (the friend - feminine)
- L’argent (money)
- La famille (the family)
4️⃣ Useful Adjectives
- Grand(e) (big, tall)
- Petit(e) (small, short)
- Beau/Belle (handsome, beautiful)
- Bon/Bonne (good)
- Mauvais(e) (bad)
- Jeune (young)
- Vieux/Vieille (old)
- Nouveau/Nouvelle (new)
- Joyeux/Joyeuse (happy)
- Triste (sad)
- Facile (easy)
- Difficile (difficult)
- Chaud(e) (hot)
- Froid(e) (cold)
- Lent(e) (slow)
- Rapide (fast)
5️⃣ Useful Adverbs
- Souvent (often)
- Jamais (never)
- Toujours (always)
- Parfois (sometimes)
- Bien (well)
- Mal (badly)
- Très (very)
- Un peu (a little)
- Beaucoup (a lot)
- Ici (here)
- Là (there)
- Maintenant (now)
- Bientôt (soon)
- Avant (before)
- Après (after)
- Lentement (slowly)
- Rapidement (quickly)
6️⃣ Prepositions
- À (to, at)
- De (from, of)
- Dans (in)
- Sur (on)
- Sous (under)
- Avec (with)
- Sans (without)
- Pour (for)
- Par (by)
- Chez (at the home of)
- Entre (between)
- Devant (in front of)
- Derrière (behind)
7️⃣ Question Words
- Qui (Who)
- Que (What)
- Où (Where)
- Quand (When)
- Comment (How)
- Pourquoi (Why)
- Combien (How much/how many)
8️⃣ Useful Expressions for Daily Conversations
- Comment ça va ? (How are you?)
- Ça va bien, merci. (I’m fine, thank you.)
- Excusez-moi. (Excuse me.)
- Pardon. (Sorry.)
- Je ne comprends pas. (I don’t understand.)
- Pouvez-vous répéter ? (Can you repeat?)
- Je voudrais… (I would like…)
- Où est… ? (Where is…?)
- C’est où ? (Where is it?)
- Quel âge as-tu ? (How old are you?)
- Je suis perdu(e). (I’m lost.)
- J’ai besoin d’aide. (I need help.)
9️⃣ Time Expressions
- Aujourd'hui (today)
- Demain (tomorrow)
- Hier (yesterday)
- La semaine prochaine (next week)
- La semaine dernière (last week)
- Ce matin (this morning)
- Ce soir (tonight)
- Il est quelle heure ? (What time is it?)
- Il est… heures. (It’s… o’clock.)
🔟 Linking Words (to build sentences)
- Et (and)
- Mais (but)
- Parce que (because)
- Car (for, because)
- Donc (so, therefore)
- Si (if)
- Quand (when)
- Que (that)
- Aussi (also)
- Alors (then)
- Bien sûr (of course)
- En fait (in fact)
- Sauf (except ou except for) (Excepté, Hormis, À l'exception de)
Bonus: Common Regular and Irregular Verb Conjugations
Conjugating verbs properly is key for A2 level. Practice the conjugation of some common verbs in present, passé composé, and futur proche:
- Parler (to speak)
- Finir (to finish)
- Prendre (to take)
- Être (to be)
- Avoir (to have)
- Aller (to go)
This list is a good starting point to help you build simple phrases and engage in basic conversations.
Focus on memorizing these words and practicing them in sentences, and you’ll see your ability to speak and understand French grow.
Feel free to ask for more specific words or phrases if you need them! 😊
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